Friday 10 November 2017

Chart 425 - Yogasana 3

Yogasana Chart
Yogasana 3 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 425 : Yogasana 3

  1. Parsva Bakasana - This pose is an advanced variation of the arm balance. Practicing this pose can be a great way to build focus and concentration.
  2. Nirlamba Parsvakonasana - This asana is a standing yoga pose that stretches and strengthens your entire body. This pose opens up the shoulders and chest.
  3. Visvamitrasana - Visvamitrasana is a complex asana. It’s an arm balance, hip opener, shoulder opener, hamstring stretch and twist, all in one.
  4. Hanumanasana - This asana is commonly known as "the splits." This pose is an advanced leg stretch and hip-opener.
  5. Purvottanasana - This asana is an intermediate back-bending yoga pose that builds strength and flexibility. This pose simultaneously strengthens and stretches your shoulders.
  6. Halasana - This asana is an inverted yoga posture that stretches the spine and shoulders while rejuvenating the nervous system. This pose opens the neck, shoulders, and back.
  7. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana - This asana is a deep, standing twist that challenges your balance and strengthens your legs and core. This pose stretches, tones, and strengthens the entire body, inside and out.
  8. Pavanamuktasana - In this asana body is positioned in a supine position. This asana massages the organs of the abdomen and also eases tension that occurs in the area of the belly and lower back.
  9. Janusirsasana - This asana is a deep, forward bend that calms the mind and relieves stress.
  10. Virbhadrasana 3 - This asana is an intermediate balancing pose in yoga. This standing posture creates stability throughout your entire body by integrating all of the muscles throughout your core, arms and legs.
  11. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - This asana is a beginning backbend pose that helps to open the chest and stretch the thighs. When you’re in the pose, your arms and legs create a “locked bridge” with your body.
  12. Kumbhakasana - This asana is basically aimed at strengthening the core of the individual as well as the arms, the abdominal muscles and the spine.
  13. Supta Padangusthasana - This asana is a hamstring stretch that helps to open the hips and reduce low back pain & develops patience. This pose tones abdominal muscles.
  14. Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana - This asana is a seated pose with a forward bend. This pose stretches the hamstring muscle & also tones the digestive organs.
  15. Parivrtta Paschimottanasana - This asana is a seated forward bend with a twist that stretches the spine and back of the legs.
  16. Adho Mukha Svanasana - This asana is a variation of the popular inverted pose. It adds a deeper stretch to the hamstrings while enhancing detoxification, balance, and full-body coordination.

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