Wednesday 15 February 2017

Chart 513 – Shapes

Shapes Chart
Shapes Chart

Spectrum Chart - 513 : Shapes

1. Circle - A circle is a round, regular, two-dimensional shape, shaped like the letter O. The distance between any of the points and the centre is called the radius. The diameter of a circle is a straight line that goes from one side to the opposite and right through the centre of the circle.
e.g. - Roti, Clock, Coin etc.

2. Square - A square is a shape with four equal sides and four corners that are all right angles (90°). The diagonals of a square also cross at right angles. The angle between any diagonal and a side of a square is 45 degrees. A square has rotational symmetry of four. A square is a type of rectangle with all sides of equal length.
e.g. - Bread, Puzzle, Chess Board, Ludo etc.

3. Rectangle - A rectangle is a shape with four sides and four corners. The corners are all right angles. It follows that the lengths of the pairs of sides opposite each other must be equal. Tables, boxes, books, and papers look like rectangles.
e.g. - Television, Match Box, Pillow, Chocolate etc.

4. Oval - An oval is a shape. It is round but a bit longer in one direction. An oval can look like an egg or an ellipse. To be called an oval, a plane curve should resemble the outline of an egg or an ellipse.
e.g. - Computer Mouse, Rugby Ball, Mirror, Egg etc.

5. Semi Circle - A semicircle is a two-dimensional geometric shape that forms half of a circle. The arc of a semicircle always measures 180°.
e.g. - Hand Fan, Rainbow, Protector etc.

4. Rhombus - A rhombus is a simple quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length. A rhombus is sometimes called a diamond. Every rhombus is a parallelogram and a kite. A rhombus with right angles is a square.
e.g. - Traffic Sign Board, Kite, Kaju Katli, Earrings

5. Triangle - A triangle is a shape or area or a specific part of two dimension space. It has three straight sides and three vertices. The three angles of a triangle always add up to 180°. It is the polygon with the least possible number of sides.
e.g. - Cake, Puzzle, Samosa, Set Square etc.

6. Cube - A cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or sides with three meeting at each vertex. A cube is a block with all right angles and whose height, width and depth are all the same.
e.g. - Dice, Playing Blocks, Gift Box, Rubic Cube etc.

7. Ring - A ring is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle.
e.g. - Tyre, Donut, Finger Ring, Swim Tube etc.

8. Cylinder - A cylinder is one of the most basic curved geometric shapes, with the surface formed by the points at a fixed distance from a given line segment, known as the axis of the cylinder. The shape can be thought of as a circular prism. Both the surface and the solid shape created inside can be called a cylinder.
e.g. - Barrel, Tin Can, Gas Cylinder, Mug etc.

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