Wednesday 1 March 2017

Chart 672 - Seasonal Fruits

Seasonal Fruits Chart
Seasonal Fruits Chart

Spectrum Chart - 672 : Seasonal Fruits

1. Jackfruit - Jackfruit comes from mulberry family. It has thorny projections outside and soft flesh inside which is intensely sweet and delicious in taste. Jackfruit is a good source of calorie but contains no cholesterol or saturated fats. It is rich in vitamins and minerals.

2. Strawberry - Strawberry is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red colour, juicy texture and sweetness. It is consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in such prepared foods as preserves, fruit juice, pies, ice creams & milkshakes.

3. Honeydew Melon – Honeydew melon also known as honeymelon, is a cultivar group of the muskmelon. A honeydew melon has a round to slightly oval shape. The flesh is usually pale green in colour, while the smooth peel ranges from greenish to yellow. It is often eaten for dessert.

4. Blueberry – A blueberry is a berry, a very small fruit. It grows in a type of woody plant called a shrub. Blueberries have a sweet taste, with a little acidic hint. Blueberries are good for making jelly, jam, pie, muffins and many other foods.

5. Cantaloupe - Cantaloupe are a type of melon. Cantaloupe have a super high percentage of water content in them making them cooling and hydrating fruit. Cantaloupe has a soothing effect on the digestive system and helps it function optimally.

6. Orange - Orange fruit belongs to citrus family. Orange fruit contains an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals for normal growth and development and overall well-being. Oranges, like other citrus fruits, are an excellent source of vitamin C.

7. Custard Apple - Custard apple, also known as chermoyas are native to South America, West Indies and some parts of Asia. The fruit is soft and chewy with a hard exterior. The flesh is white in colour and has a creamy texture.

8. Barbados Cherries - Barbados cherry is a tropical fruit, native to South America and Central America. It is known for being extremely rich in vitamin C. The fruit is widely consumed and also used to make juices and pulps, vitamin C concentrate and baby food among other things.

9. Grapefruit - Grapefruit is oblate in shape, it has thick, tough skin. Inside, the fruit is segmented into arils as in other citrus fruits. Its arils are very juicy, acidic and varying in colour, which could be white, pink or red due to varying sweetness.

10. Dates - Dates are sweet, delicious fruits from the tropical oasis. The date fruit has a fleshy, external coating, which when removed displays a single, stone-like, hard seed. It is considered to be a natural remedy for many health issues.

11. Kiwifruit - Kiwifruit has an oval shape. It is green on the inside with small black seeds that can be eaten. The kiwi has furry brown skin on outside. Kiwifruit is healthy and contains many vitamins and minerals. Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and fibre.

12. Pomelo - Pomelo is a citrus fruit. It is pale green or yellow when ripe. Its flesh is sweet, white or yellowish in colour. It's rind is very thick and spongy. It is the largest citrus fruit, usually 15–25 cm in diameter.

13. Pear - Pear are sweet, delicious and rich flavoured fruit. Pear fruit is one of the very low calorie fruits. They contain good quantities of vitamin C.

14. Tangerine – Tangerine is an orange-coloured citrus fruit that is related mandarin orange. The taste is considered less sour, but sweeter and stronger, than that of an orange. Tangerines are a good source of vitamin C, folate and beta-carotene.

15. Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) - Pitaya commonly known as the dragon fruit, is a fruit from Central America, South America and Asia. Dragon fruits have pink skin and white or red flesh with an abundance of small black edible seeds. The flavor is mildly sweet.

16. Passion Fruit - Passion fruit is a pepo, a type of berry, round to oval, either yellow or dark purple at maturity, with a soft to firm, juicy interior filled with numerous seeds. The fruit is both eaten and juiced passion fruit juice is often added to other fruit juices to enhance aroma.

17. Red Currants - Red Currant is a member of the gooseberry family. It is native to parts of western Europe. It has a tart flavour. It is frequently cultivated for jams and cooked preparations. It is also served raw or as an accompaniment in salads, garnishes or drinks.

18. Jujube - Jujubes are small round fruit that has edible skin and a sweet flavor. Jujube, fresh or dried, have long been considered as a healthful fruits. Dry jujube fruits and its powder are used in many traditional Chinese medicines.

19. Prickly Pear - Prickly pear has been used as a folk remedy and a food source for many generations of Jamaicans and other cultures around the world. It is eaten raw and made into jams, jellies and beverages such as juice and herbal teas.

20. Pomegranate - Pomegranate is a thick skinned super seedy fruit, it contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils. They are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and bioactive plant compounds, but they also contain some sugar.

21. Kumquat - Delicious, sweet & tangy, kumquat fruit is a winter/spring seasonal citrus fruits. Kumquat are used in the preparation of sauce, fruit-concentrates, jams, jellies, juice, cakes, pie, ice cream etc.

22. Guava - Guava belongs to the myrtle family. It is a tropical fruit. Guava is low in calories and fats but carry several vital vitamins, minerals and flavonoid compounds that play a pivotal role in the prevention of cancers, ageing, infections etc.

23. Quince – Quince is native to the warm temperate areas of southwest Asia. Quince is enriched with a variety of nutrients such as vitamins A, C, B, low in fat, high in fibre. They are particularly popular for use in jams, jellies and preserves.

24. Cranberries - A cranberry is a fruit. It grows on evergreen dwarf shrubs. Cranberries are usually eaten during Thanksgiving in the USA. Raw cranberries have moderate levels of vitamin C, dietary fibre and the essential dietary mineral & manganese. Cranberries have been marketed as superfruit due to their antioxidant and nutrient qualities.

25. Cape Gooseberry – Cape gooseberry is bright yellow to orange in colour and it is sweet when ripe, with a characteristic, mildly tart flavour, making it ideal for snacks, pies or jams. It is relished in salads and fruit salads. Cape gooseberries is low in calories and contains moderate levels of vitamin C, thiamine and niacin.

26. Huckleberries - Huckleberries are small and round fruits that can be found in blue, crimson, purple or in very dark blue colour. These berries can be very sweet to taste or even sour. They contain high amounts of vitamin B and vitamin C. Being a good source of vitamin B, huckleberry supports and speeds up the metabolism rate, keeps skin and muscle tone healthy.

27. Peach - Peach are flesh, sweet and less acidic fruit. Peach is packed with a high variety of nutrition and health benefits.

28. Fig - Fig is a soft, sweet fruit. Its skin is very thin and has many small seeds inside of it. Dried figs are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. In fact, dried figs possess higher concentrations of energy, minerals and vitamins.

29. Blackberries - Blackberry fruit consists of small drupelets arranged in circular fashion. Each drupelet composes of juicy pulp with single tiny seed. Each berry measures about 3-4 cm in length containing about 80-100 drupelets.

30. Mulberries - There are several varieties of Mulberries which include red, black and blue versions of the fruit. Mulberry fruit is usually eaten in a dried form. A glass of fresh mulberry juice on a daily basis helps to detoxify the body.

31. Raspberries - Raspberry is an aggregate fruit, meaning it has many parts joined together. Raspberries are among the healthiest fruits, it has dense nutrient content that includes Antioxidants, Phytonutrients, Fibre, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc etc.

32. Mango - Mango is often termed as “The king of the fruits." Langra, Dussheri, Chausa, Tota, Safadi, Alphonso are types of mangoes which are generally found in of India. Mango fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin-A.

33. Cherries - Cherries are usually red, with a seed in the middle. It tastes slightly sour and is often used to flavour cakes and ice cream. It is an excellent source of iron, calcium, flavonoids, antioxidants, potassium, Vitamin A, C, E, manganese and many more.

34. Plum - Plums are juicy and delicious fruits that belong to the genus Prunus of the Rosaceae family. Plums are low in calories and contain no saturated fats however, they hold numerous health promoting compounds, minerals and vitamins. The fruits are being used in the preparation of pie, desserts, jams and jellies.

35. Grapes - Grapes are the fruit of a woody grape vine. Grapes can be eaten raw or used for making wine, juice and jelly/jam. Grapes come in different colours red, purple, white and green are some examples.

36. Lychee - Lychee are sweet delicious & juicy fruit. The inside of a lychee is a clear, pinkish-white colour. The outside of the fruit is a hard spiky shell. Its seed is brown in colour and very hard. Litchi also carries a very good amount of minerals like potassium and copper.

37. Papaya - Papaya fruit is sweet with a musky flavor. Along with these, it contains varieties of nutrients that make it very healthy food. It posses the capacity to protect from inflammation and cancer.

38. Coconut - Coconut is a mature fruit of the coconut palm. Coconut is a complete food rich in calories, vitamins, and minerals. Coconut oil extracted from dry kernel (copra) is an excellent emollient agent.

39. Banana - Banana are usually long and curved with a soft inside covered by a yellow skin. Bananas have a lot of vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium. Bananas have high nutritional value and are a healthy snack.

40. Apricot - Apricot are the yellowish-orange fruit that belong to the family of Prunus. Apricot is available and consumed in both fresh as well as dried form. Both are equally nutritious in their content. They are also used in making pastries, jams and marmalade.

41. Lemon - Lemon are yellow in colour. Lemons have a sour taste because it contains about 5-6% citric acid. They are the rich source for Vitamin C. India is one of the largest producer of lemons.

42. Kiwano – Kiwano is also known as horned melon. Its fruit has horn-like spines, hence the name "horned melon". Ripe fruit has yellow-orange skin and lime green, jelly-like flesh with a tart taste and texture similar to a cucumber.

43. Avocado – Avocado have a green-skinned, fleshy body that may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped or spherical. Commercially, they ripen after harvesting. Avocado fruit is naturally loaded with myriad essential nutrients and thus is traditionally used for treating several health and skincare problems, besides being consumed as a food.

44. Pineapple - Pineapple is a tropical plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries, also called pineapples.Fresh pineapple is low in calories.Fresh pineapple is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin.

45. Apple - Apples are generally red in colour. Apples are low in calories. They contain no saturated fats or cholesterol. Apple fruit contains good quantities of vitamin-C, B-complex vitamins & also carry a small amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

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