Wednesday 15 February 2017

Chart 541 - Animals 11

Spectrum Animals Chart
Animals 11 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 541 : Animals 11

  1. Snow Leopard (Mammal) - Snow leopards are found at altitudes between 9,800 and 17,000 feet in the high, rugged mountains of Central Asia. Snow leopard, has thick fur, white, yellowish or soft grey coat with ringed spots of black on brown. Average lifespan is between 15-18 years.
  2. Tiger (Mammal) - Tiger is the biggest species of the cat family. Tiger is the national animal of India. Today the tigers are a near endangered species with only a handful still roaming the Asian jungles. Average lifespan of tiger is 18 to 25 years.
  3. Caracal (Mammal) - Caracal is a species of medium sized wild cat. It inhabits dry and arid regions, woodlands, scrublands, savannas, evergreen and mountain forests. Body is covered with short fur that can be tan, brown or black in colour. Caracal's ears end with tufts of black hair. Caracal is carnivore. It eats hares, rodents, rabbits, hyraxes, antelopes and birds.
  4. Tapir (Mammal) - Tapirs are large mammals that look like pigs with prolonged snouts. Tapir can be found in Central and South America and Asia (Sumatra and Malaysia). Tapirs live in swamps, grasslands, forests and mountains. Tapirs are herbivorous. They eat leaves and fruit twice a day.
  5. Polar Bear (Mammal) - Polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle. It has black skin under the white fur. The fur keeps them very warm. They are strong and can swim very well. Polar bears are similar in size to a normal bear but have a slimmer neck, longer legs and fur. They are mostly carnivorous & mostly eat seals and fish.
  6. Indian Wild Ass (Mammal) - Indian wild ass is a subspecies of the onager native to Southern Asia. The body of Indian Wild Ass is usually sandy, but varies from reddish grey, fawn, to pale chestnut. Indian wild asses graze between dawn and dusk. The animal feeds on grass, leaves and fruits of plant, crop and saline vegetation.
  7. Rhinoceros (Mammal) - Rhinoceros means ‘nose horn.’ Rhinoceros averages about 1.5 tons in weight & have thick, protective skin that is roughly 1.5 cm thick. Rhinoceros are often hunted by humans for their horns. Rhinoceros have the lifespan of about 35 to 50 years.
  8. Giraffe (Mammal) - Giraffes are the tallest living animals in the world. A fully grown up giraffe is 14 feet tall & weighs up to 680 kg. A giraffe's habitat is usually found in African savannas, grasslands or open woodlands. Lifespan of giraffe ranges between 20- 25 years.

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