Wednesday 15 February 2017

Chart 524 - Animals 10

Sticker Animals Chart
Animals 10 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 524 : Animals 10

  1. Jellyfish (Cnidaria) - Jellyfish are animals of the phylum Cnidaria. They have soft bell-shaped body and long, stinging, venomous tentacles that they use to catch their prey, usually small plankton animals or small crustaceans or tiny fish. Some jellyfish hunt other jellyfish. A jellyfish is 97% water.
  2. Monkey (Mammal) - Monkeys are arboreal mammals. They are in the primate order. Monkeys are intelligent & social animals. They are famous for climbing trees easily. Almost every monkey has a tail, even if it is very short.
  3. Moose (Mammal) - Moose are the largest animals of the deer family. They can be found all over the North hemisphere, mainly in the colder climate. Moose are herbivores and they like to eat flowering plants, shrubs, leaves and small branches of the trees. Moose have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing. Moose live 15-25 years in the wild.
  4. Otter (Mammal) - Otter is a marine mammal native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Adult sea otters typically weigh between 14 and 45 kg. Otters have about 26,000 to 165,000 hairs per square centimetres of skin. They have a rich fur for which humans hunted them almost to extinction.
  5. Cobra (Reptile) - Cobras are large and diverse group of venomous snakes. There are 270 different types of cobras. They live in tropical areas of Africa, Asia and Australia, usually in forests and areas near river. They can be green, brown, dark brown in colour. Cobras produce large amount of venom. With just one bite, cobra can kill large elephant or 10-15 adult humans.
  6. Groundhog (Mammal) – Groundhog also known as woodchuck, is the largest member of the squirrel family. Body is covered with greyish to brown fur. Coat consists of two layers: dense undercoat and long coarse hairs on the surface. They have small ears, large incisors and strong jaws. They have short legs and 6 inches long tail. Their spine is curved.
  7. Guinea Pig (Mammal) - Guinea pig, also known as cavy, is domesticated species of rodent that belongs to the cavy family. Guinea pig can have short or long coat that can be silky or ruffle, plain or multicoloured. Guinea pig has large head with small, petal-shaped ears and compact, cylindrical body. Guinea pig is vegetarian. Its diet is based on grass and different types of vegetables.
  8. Crab (Arthropod) - Crabs are in the phylum Crustacea. They are decapods (having ten legs). Their short body is covered by a thick exoskeleton. Crabs have short tails. Crabs are omnivores, they eat almost anything they find. They will eat molluscs, other crustaceans, worms, fungi and bacteria. Crabs are prepared and eaten all over the world as food.
  9. Hedgehog (Mammal) - Hedgehog is spiny mammal that belongs to the family Erinaceidae. Hedgehog inhabits hedgerows, woodlands, gardens, parks and fields. Hedgehog has elongated snout and body covered with 5000 to 6500 quills. Each quill is hard, hollowed hair whose interior consists of numerous air pockets. Hedgehog is an omnivore.
  10. Turtle (Reptile) - Turtles are reptiles having a hard shell that protects them like a shield, this upper shell is called a ‘carapace’. Many turtle species can hide their heads inside their shells when attacked by predators. Turtles spend large amounts of their lives underwater.
  11. Ferret (Mammal) - Ferret is domesticated variety of European polecat. This small mammal belongs to the weasel family. Ferret has short coat that can be pure white or combination of brown, black and white fur. Ferret has razor-sharp teeth, long, slender body, short legs and tail of medium-length.
  12. Salamander (Amphibian) - Salamander is a type of amphibian, close relative of frogs and toads. They live mostly in the northern hemisphere, in the wet areas near the lakes and ponds. There are 500 known species of salamanders. Salamanders look like lizards because of their long and slim body, but unlike lizards they have smooth and glossy skin.
  13. Prairie Dog (Mammal) - Prairie Dog is a type of ground squirrel. They can be found in the North America, Canada and Mexico. Prairie dog lives in open grasslands and prairies. Body of prairie dog is covered with brownish-grey fur. They have very small, round ears and short tail.
  14. Squid (Mollusc) - Squid are cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which comprises around 304 species. Squid have eight arms arranged in pairs and two, usually longer, tentacles with suckers. Squid are strong swimmers and certain species can "fly" for short distances out of the water. Most squid are no more than 60 centimetres long, although the giant squid may reach 13 metres.
  15. Mouse (Mammal) - A mouse is a small rodent characteristically having a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. They are largely herbivores, consuming any kind of fruit or grain from plants. Many people buy mouse as companion pets.
  16. Chameleon (Reptile) - Chameleon is a type of lizard. There are around 160 species of chameleons. chameleons are known for their ability to change the colour of their skin. Chameleon's tongue is propelled by incredible speed: it takes 0.07 seconds for tongue to reach the victim, it eat locusts, grasshoppers, crickets, mantis and stick insects.
  17. Chimpanzee (Mammal) - The Chimpanzee is a species of ape that is natively found in western and central Africa. They are thought to be the most intelligent animals on the planet after humans. Chimpanzee is an omnivorous animal. They have the lifespan of 50 – 60 years.
  18. Possum (Mammal) – Possum is any of about 70 small to medium sized arboreal marsupial species native to Australia, New Guinea and Sulawesi. Possums tend to be found inhabiting bush-lands and rainforests where the possums live in hollow trees and logs. The possum lives a predominantly arboreal lifestyle. They are nocturnal animals.

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