Tuesday 14 February 2017

Chart 501 - Animals 3

Chart contains images of different animals
Animals 3 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 501 : Animals 3

  1. Cheetah (Mammal) - Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. They can reach a top speed of around 113 km per hour. Cheetahs cannot climb trees and have poor night vision, hence cheetahs hunt for food during the day. Average lifespan is between 10-12 years.
  2. Reindeer (Mammal) - Reindeer is a species of deer native to Arctic, Subarctic, tundra, boreal and mountainous regions of northern Europe, Siberia and North America. Reindeer is the only deer that has been domesticated. Reindeer eat mostly grass. In winter they often eat lichen, moss and fungi. They are herd animals and live in groups.
  3. Anteater (Mammal) - Anteaters can be found in Central and South America. They live in grasslands, woodlands, rainforests and deciduous forests. They are toothless creatures. They use their long and sticky tongue to catch prey. There are four types of anteaters. Some of them are near threatened species.
  4. Dog (Mammal) - There are currently around 800 different species of domestic dog worldwide. Dogs are used by Humans for hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police, military and more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "man's best friend.”
  5. Bear (Mammal) - Bears are large dog like mammals found all around the world. Most bears are nocturnal & solitary animals. Bears have been hunted for their meat and fur. Expected lifespan is between 15 – 35 years.
  6. Banteng (Mammal) - Banteng are mainly found in the Southeast Asia. They are working animal mainly used in farms. They are also bred for their meat.
  7. Donkey (Mammal) - Donkey is known as a working animal. After human labour, the donkey is the cheapest form of agricultural power. Donkeys are used to be ridden, used for threshing, raising water, milling and other work.
  8. Bison (Mammal) - Bison are massive animals, characterised by their long, shaggy brown coats, have poor eyesight but acute hearing and an excellent sense of smell. Bison are herbivores and eat simple foods. Their main foodstuff is grass and sedges. Their lifespan is 15 – 20 years.
  9. Bongo (Mammal) - Bongo is a herbivorous, nocturnal forest antelope. Bongos are characterised by a striking reddish-brown coat, black and white markings, white-yellow stripes and long slightly spiralled horns. They are found in African dense forest mosaics.
  10. Frog (Amphibian) - Frogs are a diverse and largely carnivorous group of short-bodied, tailless amphibians composing the order Anura. Frog have long hind legs, elongated ankle bones, webbed toes, no claws, large eyes and a smooth or warty skin. Like other amphibians, oxygen can pass through their highly permeable skins.
  11. Yak (Mammal) - Yaks have been kept primarily for their milk, fibre and meat. Yaks are used to transport goods across mountain passes for local farmers and traders. The average lifespan of a yak is about 20 years.
  12. Fox (Mammal) - The fox is a scavenger carnivorous dog, generally found in the areas of northern hemisphere. Fox is a nocturnal mammal. Fox tend to live for 6 – 7 years.

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