Tuesday 14 February 2017

Chart 494 - Man Made Disaster 1

Chart contains images of various man made disasters
Man Made Disaster 1 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 494 : Man Made Disaster 1

1. Train Accident – A derailment is said to take place when a train runs off its rails. This does not necessarily mean that it leaves its track. The derailment of a train can be caused by a collision with another object, the mechanical failure of tracks, such as broken rails or the mechanical failure of the wheels.

2. Aviation Accident – An aviation accident is an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft, which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until all such persons have disembarked, where a person is fatally or seriously injured, the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.

3. Shipwreck – A shipwreck is the remains of a ship that has wrecked, which are found either beached on land or sunken to the bottom of a body of water. Shipwrecking may be deliberate or accidental. UNESCO estimates that worldwide over 3 million shipwrecks, lie on seabeds. Poor design, improperly stowed cargo, navigation and other human errors leading to collisions, bad weather, fire and other causes can lead to accidental sinking.

4. Traffic Collision – A traffic collision occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree or utility pole. Traffic collisions may result in injury, death and property damage. A number of factors contribute to the risk of collision, including vehicle design, speed of operation, road design, road environment and driver skill, impairment due to alcohol or drugs and behaviour, notably speeding and street racing.

5. Structural Collapse - Bad design, faulty construction, foundation failure, extraordinary loads, earthquakes etc are the major causes of structural collapse. Bad design does not mean only errors of computation, but a failure to take into account the loads the structure will be called upon to carry, reliance on inaccurate data etc. Faulty construction has been the most important cause of structural failure. The engineer is also at fault here, if inspection has been lax.

6. Bridge Collapse - Bridges are crucial transportation links that carry road and rail traffic across rivers, gorges or other roads. When a bridge collapses it can be tragic event, it can be fatal too. There are various causes for bridge collapse which can occur and cause a tragic event. Poor maintenance, design defects, material defects, floods, earthquake, vehicular collisions are few of the causes that may cause bridge to collapse.

7. Wildfires – Wildfire is a general term which includes forest fires, grassland fires, bushfires, brush fires and any other vegetation fire in countryside areas. Wildfires occur on every continent except Antarctica. They can occur naturally, but many are caused by humans, accidentally or deliberately. Wildfires can cause extensive damage to property and human life.

8. Space Accident – Space accidents results in fatality or near-fatality during flight or training for manned space missions and testing, assembly, preparation or flight of manned and unmanned spacecraft. As of 2016, in-flight accidents have killed 18 astronauts, in four separate incidents. An astronaut of Indian origin Kalpana Chawla was killed in 2003 along with 6 other astronauts in Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.

9. Arson – Arson is the crime of intentionally, deliberately and maliciously setting fire to buildings, wildland areas, dumpsters, vehicles or other property with the intent to cause damage. Arson often involves fires deliberately set to the property of another or to one's own property so as to collect insurance compensation. A person who commits this crime is called an arsonist. Arsonists use accelerants such as gasoline or kerosene to ignite, propel and directionalize fires.

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