Monday 13 February 2017

Chart 474 - Domesticated Animals 4

Chart contains images of domestic animals
Domesticated Animals 4 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 474 : Domestic Animals 4

  1. Buffalo -Buffaloes are used in farming for ploughing, tilling rice fields etc. Buffalo milk is processed into a large variety of dairy products. The bones and horns are often made into jewellery. Horns are used for the embouchure of musical instruments, such as ney and kaval.
  2. Cat - Cats are common pets worldwide. The average domestic cat sleeps for around 18 hours a day. Cats have excellent night vision and can see at only one-sixth the light level required for human vision.
  3. Camel - Camel is known as a 'Ship of desert.' They are mostly found in deserts & dry regions. Camels have been used by people for transporting goods & people across the desert and also for its milk and meat.
  4. Rabbit - Rabbits are small mammals that belong to group of animals called Lagomorphs. They can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Rabbits prefer edges of the forests, but they also inhabit deserts, marshes and grasslands. Rabbits are vegetarians, they eat leafy plants and bark. Commercially rabbits are bred for it's meat, fur, wool & for laboratory testing purpose.
  5. Goat - Goats are among the earliest animals domesticated by humans. Goats have been used for their meat, hair, milk and skins. Goats produce about 2% of the world's total annual milk supply.
  6. Sheep - Sheep are medium-sized herbivorous animal. Sheep are mainly farmed for their meat and wool but sheep are also occasionally farmed for their milk. Sheep's wool is the most widely used animal fibre.

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