Thursday 9 February 2017

Chart 451 - Computer 1

Chart contains various components of computers
Computer 1 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 451 : Computer 1

  1. Mother Board - The motherboard or main board is the main circuit board in a computer. It is the most 'central' part of a computer. All of the different parts of the computer are connected to the motherboard. This lets them work together. In most computers, the motherboard is a big green board.
  2. Hard Disk - Hard Disk is used by computers to store information. Hard disks use magnetic recording to store information on rotating circular platters. The capacity of a hard drive is usually measured in gigabytes (GB), however hard disc capacity can also be measured in terabytes when the capacity is over 1000 gigabytes.
  3. Processor Chip – Processor Chip reads data from memory and write data to memory. Processors today can do more than 1 billion (1,000,000,000) instructions in a single second. The speed that a processor works at is measured in hertz (Hz). Modern processors often run so fast that gigahertz (GHz) is used instead, which means a billion cycles per second.
  4. Random Access Memory (RAM) - Random access memory or simply RAM is the memory or information storage in a computer that is used to store running programs and data for the programs. Data in the RAM can be read and written quickly in any order. Normally, the random access memory is in the form of computer chips.
  5. Cabinet – Cabinet is a plastic or metal enclosure that houses most of the components. Those found on desktop computers are usually small enough to fit under a desk. Cabinet cases usually include sheet metal enclosures for a power supply unit and drive bays, as well as a rear panel that can accommodate peripheral connectors protruding from the motherboard and expansion slots. Most cases also have a power button or switch, a reset button and LEDs to indicate power status as well as hard drive and network activity.
  6. CPU Cooler – CPU Cooler are used to cool the CPU heat sink. CPU cooler fan are attached to, a computer case used for active cooling and may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component.
  7. Power Supply Unit - The desktop computer power supply changes alternating current from a wall socket to low-voltage direct current to operate the processor and peripheral devices. Most modern desktop personal computer power supplies conform to the ATX specification, which includes form factor and voltage tolerances.
  8. Sound Card – A sound card is the part of the computer hardware that controls the input and output of the sound signals. A sound card is what is known as an expansion card. This means that the card can be added to the motherboard. Nowadays, most of the audio cards are integrated with the motherboard.
  9. Graphic Card - Graphic Card is a special circuit board that controls what is shown on a computer monitor and calculates 3D images and graphics. A graphic card can be used to display a two-dimensional (2D) image like a Windows desktop, or a three-dimensional (3D) image like a computer game.
  10. Personal Computer – A personal computer is also called desktop. A personal computer is designed for regular use at a single location on or near a desk or table due to its size and power requirements. It consists of input and output device along with other computer accessories. Demand for personal computers declined with the introduction of laptops.

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