Friday 27 January 2017

Chart 298 - Public Places 2

Images of various public places
Public Places 2 Chart

Spectrum Chart - 298 : Public Places 2

  1. Bus Terminal - A bus terminal is a structure where city or intercity bus stop's to pick up and drop off passengers. Bus terminal may be intended as a terminal station for a number of routes or as a transfer station where the routes continue.
  2. Railway Station - Railway station is a railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or freight. It generally consists of at least one track-side platform and a station building providing such ancillary services as ticket sales and waiting rooms. Many stations include a shop or convenience store. Larger stations usually have fast-food or restaurant facilities.
  3. Harbour – A harbour is a place where ships, boats and barges may seek shelter. Harbour is a facility built for loading and unloading vessels and dropping off and picking up passengers. Harbours can be natural or artificial. An artificial harbour can have deliberately constructed breakwaters, sea walls or jetty's or they can be constructed by dredging.
  4. Airport - An airport is a place where aeroplanes can land or take off. Most airports in the world have only a long strip of level ground called a runway. Many airports have buildings which are used to hold aeroplanes and passengers. A building that holds passengers waiting for their planes or luggage is called a terminal.
  5. Market – A market is a location where people regularly gather for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock and other goods. There may be a special building for the market or the market may be held in an open space where the sellers can put up a stall (like a kind of tent) and then take the stall down at the end of the day.
  6. Beach – A beach is a land form along the coast of an ocean or sea. People often use beaches as a place to swim, to work on their tan or just to relax. The most popular beaches have fine white or light-coloured sand and warm water to swim in. Beaches may also be popular because of the excellent opportunities for diving, surfing or for seeing marine life.
  7. Zoo – Zoo is a place where many different species of animals are kept so people can see and watch them. Modern zoos try not only to be for people's entertainment, but for education, research and the conservation and protection of animals. Many zoos are centers where rare animals are preserved. Zoo animals live in enclosures that often attempt to replicate their natural habitats or behavioural patterns, for the benefit of both the animals and visitors.
  8. Aquarium – An aquarium is a place where fish and other animals that live in water are kept by humans. An aquarium can be a small tank or a large building with one or more large tanks. Large public aquariums are often popular with tourists. They show the fish and other animals they keep in large tanks and also often protect species that are close to extinction. Aquarists make sure their fish live in an environment similar to their natural habitats. This means caring about water quality, lighting and food.

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