Wednesday 25 January 2017

Chart 285 - Omnivorous Animals

Chart Contains images of Omnivorous Animals
Omnivorous Animals Chart

Spectrum Chart - 285 : Omnivorous Animals

  1. Human – Human beings are omnivorous too. They consume both vegetarian & non vegetarian food.
  2. Chimpanzee - The Chimpanzee is a species of ape that is natively found in western and central Africa. They are thought to be the most intelligent animals on the planet after humans. Chimpanzee is an omnivorous animal. They have the lifespan of 50 – 60 years.
  3. Dog - There are currently around 800 different species of domestic dog worldwide. Dogs are used by Humans for hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police, military and aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "man's best friend.”
  4. Rat - Brown rat is one of the best known and most common rats. This rodent has now spread to all continents except Antarctica. Brown rat is a true omnivore and will consume almost anything, but cereals form a substantial part of its diet.
  5. Civet – Civet is a small, lithe-bodied, mostly nocturnal mammal native to tropical Asia and Africa, especially the tropical forests. Civet produces a musk highly valued as a fragrance and stabilising agent for perfume.
  6. Badger - Badger is small mammal that belongs to the weasel family. Badger is covered with grey, coarse coat. It has black face with white markings, light stripe on dorsal side of the body, light-coloured belly and dark-coloured legs. Badger has elongated head, small ears, stocky, wedge-shaped body, short legs and broad feet equipped with long claws.
  7. Brown Bear - Brown bear is a large bear living in much of northern Eurasia and North America. It is smaller than the polar bear. Brown bears are often not brown. Brown bears have long, thick fur, with a moderately long mane at the back of the neck. Brown bear is one of the most omnivorous animals in the world and has been recorded as consuming the greatest variety of foods of any bear.
  8. Monkey - Monkeys are arboreal mammals. They are in the primate order. Monkeys are intelligent & social animals. They are famous for climbing trees easily. Almost every monkey has a tail, even if it is very short.
  9. Warthog - Warthog is a member of pig family. This animal can be found only in Africa, in areas located south of Sahara. Warthog lives in arid and moist savannas, in open plains and grasslands. Warthogs can be grey to black in colour. Their skin is covered with sparse bristles. Warthogs have 2 pair of tusks. Upper tusks are longer and they curve toward each other.
  10. Coati - Coati is medium-sized mammal that is native to North, Central and South America. Coati has thick fur that is light brown or black-coloured on the back and lighter in colour on the bottom side of the body. Coati is an omnivore. Its eats seeds, fruits, nuts, insects, birds, eggs and small reptiles. Coati can survive 7 to 8 years in the wild.
  11. Skunk - Skunks are mammals that can be easily recognised by their black and white coloured fur. They live in North and Central America. Skunks are omnivores. They like to eat fruits, insects, worms, reptiles and rodents. They have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing.
  12. Squirrel – Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, consisting of small or medium-size rodents. Most squirrels are omnivores, they eat seeds, berries, pine cones, eat bird's eggs and insects.

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