Friday 30 December 2016

Chart 147 - Our National Symbols

Our National Symbols Chart contains various images of Indian National Symbols
Our National Symbols Chart

Spectrum Chart 147 - Our National Symbols

  1. National Flag : Tiranga (Tricolour) - Flag of The Republic of India has three colours, which are placed horizontally. At the top is saffron, which signifies sacrifice and patriotism. In the middle is white, which stands for peach & truth. At the bottom is green, which stands for life and prosperity. In the middle of the white is a blue wheel, which is called the Ashoka Chakra. It has 24 spokes and it stands for progress. The flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya.
  2. National Emblem - The National Emblem of India has been taken from the Sarnath Lion capital erected by Ashoka. The national emblem of India was adapted by the Government of India on 26th January 1950. The National emblem of India is the official seal of the President of India and Central and State Governments. The National emblem is used only for official purposes and commands highest respect and loyalty. It is also a symbol of independent India's identity and sovereignty.
  3. National Song : Vande Mataram - The National song of India is Vande Mataram. It was written by the famous poet, Bankim Chandra Chaterjee in the year 1875 in Bengali but published in 1882 in novel Anandamath. The English translation of Vande Mataram (National song) was rendered by Aurobindo Ghose. In 1950, the song's first two verses were given the official status of the "national song" of the Republic of India.
  4. National Anthem : Jana Gana Mana - Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of India. Written in Bengali composed and scored by Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore. It was first sung at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress, on 27 December 1911. Jana Gana Mana was officially adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the Indian national anthem on January 24, 1950. A formal rendition of the national anthem takes fifty-two seconds.
  5. National Flower : Lotus - Lotus is the National flower of India. The Lotus symbolises spirituality, fruitfulness, wealth, knowledge and illumination. Lotus even after growing in murky water it is untouched by its impurity. The lotus symbolises purity of heart and mind. The National Flower 'Lotus' or water lily is an aquatic plant of Nymphaea species with broad floating leaves and bright aromatic flowers that grow only in shallow waters.
  6. National Animal : Tiger - Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal of India. As the national animal of India, tiger symbolises India's wildlife wealth. The rare combination of grace, strength, agility and enormous power has earned the tiger great respect and high esteem. India is home to nearly half of the total population of tigers.
  7. National Bird : Peacock - Peacock, which is a symbol of grace, joy, beauty and love is the national bird of India. Peacock occupies a respectable position in Indian culture and is protected not only by religious sentiments but also by parliamentary statute. The Indian peacock is a colourful, swan-sized bird with a fan-shaped crest of feathers on its head, a white patch under the eye and a long-slender neck.

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