Thursday 29 December 2016

Chart 140 – Snakes

Snakes Chart contains 20 images of various snakes
Snakes Chart

Spectrum Chart - 140 : Snakes

  1. Adder Snake – Adder Snake, is a venomous snake that can be found throughout most of Western Europe and all the way to Far East Asia. Adder snake is not aggressive and usually only bites when alarmed or disturbed. Bites can be very painful, but they are rarely fatal.
  2. Copperhead - Copperhead is a venomous snake. It is usually less than 1 metre long and is a pinkish or reddish snake with a copper-coloured and reddish brown head. Venom of this snake is relatively weak and rarely fatal.
  3. King Cobra – King Cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world. An adult king cobra can grow up to 18 feet long. King cobra lives throughout India & in some parts of the south and the east of Asia. It is known around the world for its dangerous venom. It lives up to 20 years. The venom from a bite can be deadly. The snake can kill a man with a single bite.
  4. Mamba – Mambas are fast-moving venomous snakes. It is largely terrestrial and generally brown or grey in colour. They are native to regions in sub-Saharan Africa. All mambas are highly venomous. Black mamba is one of the well-known species and is also the most feared. They generally avoid contact with humans.
  5. Rattlesnake - Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes. There are 32 known species of rattlesnakes that live in North and South America. On average, rattlesnakes are 3 to 4 feet long. They are usually black, brown, olive or grey in colour. Rattlesnakes have triangular head and vertical pupils. Their name comes from a rattle at the end of the tail.
  6. Coral Snake - There are 65 species of coral snakes that can be found through the whole world. Coral snakes are not very large, most of them are 18 to 20 inches long. Venom produced by the coral snake is the second strongest of all snake venom. Coral snakes are carnivores. They prefer frogs, mice, insects, lizards and small birds.
  7. Tree Viper – Tree Viper is an arboreal, green coloured, forest-dwelling venomous snake.
  8. Mole Snake – Mole snake is native to much of southern Africa, and is the only member of the genus Pseudaspis. Mole snake can grow to lengths of up to 2 metres. It is widely distributed, with a range stretching from Angola in the north to Kenya in the east to South Africa. Mole snakes live in the abandoned burrows of other animals.
  9. Spitting Cobra - Spitting cobra is any of several species of cobras that can project venom from their fangs when defending themselves. The sprayed venom is harmless on intact mammalian skin, but can cause permanent blindness if introduced to the eye.
  10. Rubber Boa - Rubber boa is a snake that is native to the Western United States and British Columbia, Canada. Rubber boas are one of the smaller boa species, adults can be anywhere from 38 to 84 cms long. Rubber Boas hibernate during the winter months in underground dens.
  11. Sea Snake – Sea snakes can be found in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. There are around 60 species of sea snakes that differ in size, colour, type of diet and habitat. Sea snakes are carnivores. Their diet mainly consists of fish, crustaceans, mollusks and eggs of various sea creatures. Venom of sea snakes is very strong. They use it to kill their prey and to protect themselves.
  12. Vine Snake – Vine snake,are any of several venomous, rear-fanged snakes of the family Colubridae that have slender bodies, narrow heads, and pointed snouts. All vine snakes are venomous with grooved fangs below the eye, however, most species are relatively harmless to humans.
  13. Krait - Kraits are venomous snake. They are found in India & South-East Asia. Kraits usually range between 1 and 1.5 m in length. Most species of kraits are covered in smooth, glossy scales arranged in bold, striped patterns of alternating black and light-coloured areas.
  14. Corn Snake - Corn snakes belong to the group of non-venomous snakes that can be found in the south-eastern parts of the United States. Corn snake are usually orange or dark yellow in color. They have red blotches and stripes on the back and lateral sides of the body. Corn snakes have slender body that can reach 24 to 72 inches in length.
  15. Sinaloan Milk Snake - Sinaloan milk snake is predominantly blood red with distinct rings or bands of black which have thinner cream-colored or yellowish bands within the black bands. They can reach a length of approx. 120 cm. Sinaloan milk snake is very agile.
  16. Boa Constrictor - Boa constrictor is a large snake. It grows throughout entire life. Boa is 2 feet long at birth, but it can grow to the length of 10-13 feet. Boa weighs more than 100 pounds. Boa constrictor is nocturnal animal. Boa constrictor is known as one of the most beautiful snakes because of its colourful skin with interesting prints.
  17. Anaconda - Anacondas are the largest and heaviest known snakes. They can be found in tropical rainforests, lakes and swamps of South America. Anaconda can be 30 feet long and weigh up to 550 pounds. Anaconda will grab its victim, wrap its body around the prey and squeeze it until it dies from suffocation.
  18. Python - Pythons are one of the largest snakes.Pythons don’t attack humans, unless they are provoked or stressed. They kill their prey by squeezing them until they stop breathing. Most pythons weigh between 260-300 pounds.

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