Thursday 29 December 2016

Chart 125 - Wild Cats

Wild Cats Chart contains 12 images of members of cat family
Wild Cats Chart

Spectrum Chart - 125 : Wild Cats

  1. Tiger – Tiger is the biggest species of the cat family. Tiger is the national animal of India. Today the tigers are a near endangered species with only a handful still roaming the Asian jungles. Average lifespan of tiger is 18 to 25 years.
  1. Lion – Lions are known as “King of the Jungle.” Currently they are found in only two areas of the world and are classified into two subspecies. Asiatic lions live in India's Gir Forest; African lions live in central and southern Africa. Average lifespan of Lion is 12 – 15 years in wild.
  1. Leopard – Leopards are part of the cat family. Leopards are well known for their cream and gold spotted fur. A leopard’s body is built for hunting. They have sleek, powerful bodies and can run at speeds of up to 57 km/h. Leopards are mostly nocturnal, hunting their prey at night. Average lifespan is between 10-15 years.
  1. White Tiger – White Tiger is a pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger, which is reported in the wild from time to time in the Indian states of Assam, Bengal, Bihar & Sunderbans. The white bengal tigers are distinctive due to the colour of their fur. The white fur caused by a lack of the pigment pheomelanin.
  1. Cheetah – Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. They can reach a top speed of around 113 km per hour. Cheetahs cannot climb trees and have poor night vision, hence cheetahs hunt for food during the day. Average lifespan is between 10-12 years.
  1. Puma – Puma is also commonly known as the Cougar, Mountain Lion and Catamount. Puma is a large, secretive cat predominantly found in the mountains from southern Canada to the tip of South America. Average lifespan of puma is 10 – 15 years.
  1. Lynx – Lynx is a member of the cat family. They have short stubby tails and the long tufts of black hair on the ear. Lynx are usually solitary animals and will spend their time both hunting and resting alone. Their lifespan ranges between 12 - 20 years.
  1. Ocelot – Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is a small mammal, one of nine species in the genus Leopardus. It lives in South and Central America, as far up as Mexico. The cat is nocturnal and likes forests and dense vegetation. It is very territorial and will fight to keep its territory.
  1. Snow Leopard – Snow leopards are found at altitudes between 9,800 and 17,000 feet in the high, rugged mountains of Central Asia. Snow leopard, has thick fur, white, yellowish or soft grey coat with ringed spots of black on brown. Average lifespan is between 15-18 years.
  1. Black Panther – Black Panther is a large member of the Big Cat family, native to Asia, Africa and the Americas. The Panther is an incredibly intelligent and agile animal that is very seldom seen by people in the wild as they are generally very quiet and cautious animals.
  1. Clouded Leopard – The Clouded leopard is a rare cat species. It is a medium-sized felid, found from the Himalayan foothills through mainland Southeast Asia into China. Clouded leopards hunt in trees as well as on the ground. They are one of the few cats who are arboreal. They have average life span of around 11 years.
  1. Jaguar - The jaguar is the 3rd largest of the big cats after the tiger and the lion. They are only found in the Americas.They have a large, broad head with jaws so strong that they are said to have the most powerful bite of all the world's cats. Their lifespan in 12 – 15 years.

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