Thursday 29 December 2016

Chart 120 - Animals & Their Young Ones

Animals & Their Young Ones Chart contains 18 pairs of Adult & Child Animals
Animals & Their Young Ones Chart

Spectrum Chart - 120 : Animals & Their Young Ones

  1. Dog & Puppy : Dog - There are currently around 800 different species of domestic dog worldwide. Impact of dog on human society has given them the nickname "man's best friend.”
    Puppy - A dog is called a puppy until it is about one year old. Puppies are highly social animals and spend most of their waking hours interacting with either their mother or littermates.
  2. Chimpanzee & Infant - Chimpanzee are thought to be the most intelligent animals on the planet after humans. Chimpanzee is an omnivorous animal.
    Infant – Chimpanzee are called infants until it is about 5 years old. Upto the age of 5 – 6 years infant chimpanzee are totally dependent on their mother.
  3. Bat & Pup – Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Bats are nocturnal. Bats live almost everywhere, except the Arctic, Antarctic and a few oceanic islands. They usually roost in caves, old buildings, or trees.
    Pup - Pups are born without hair, they look tiny, scrawny and pink. They are born with strong legs and claws because they have to hang on to mom when she's roosting and to the cave when she's not there.
  4. Lion & Cub - Lions are known as “King of the Jungle.” Currently they are found in only two areas of the world, Asiatic lions live in India's Gir Forest; African lions live in central and southern Africa.
    Cub – Cub takes around 3 to 4 years to be fully grown up. They achieve their hunting skills in 2 years. Hunting skills are thought by their mother.
  5. Cow & Calf - Cows are raised as livestock for meat (beef and veal) & as a dairy animals for milk and other dairy products.
    Calf – Calf are born after 9 months of gestation. They usually stand within a few minutes of calving.
  6. Puma & Cub - Puma is a large, secretive cat predominantly found in the mountains from southern Canada to the tip of South America.
    Cub - Pumas, cubs are born with spots on their fur which helps them to be more easily camouflaged from hungry predators. Puma cubs are born blind and are completely helpless for their first two weeks of life.
  7. Sloth & Baby - Sloths are tree dwelling mammals that pass their time sleeping and eating. The sloth happily eats both plants and insects, and occasionally smallreptiles and birds.
  8. Donkey & Foal - Donkey is known as a working animal. Donkeys are used to be ridden, used for threshing, raising water, milling and other work.
  9. Camel & Calf - Camel is known as a 'Ship of desert.' They are mostly found in deserts & dry regions.
    Calf – Calf are born after 13 months of gestation. Camel calf takes about 3 years to be fully grown up. At birth calf is about 3 feets long.
  10. Hippopotamus & Calf - The name hippopotamus means ‘river horse.’ Hippopotamuses spend a large amount of time in water such as rivers, lakes and swamps.
    Calf - Calf are born after 8 months of gestation. Calf take about 7 to 8 years to be fully grown up. They remain with thier mother until they are full grown up.
  11. Deer & Fawn - Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. Deer have long legs typically suited to the environments they live in.
    Fawn – Gestation period for deer is anywhere upto ten months. Most fawns are born with their fur covered with white spots, though in many species they lose these spots by the end of their first winter.
  12. Bear & Cub - Bears are large dog like mammals found all around the world. Most bears are nocturnal & solitary animals.
    Cub - Cubs are born toothless, blind, and bald. They will remain with their mother for about three years.
  13. Zebra & Foal - Zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes. They are mainly found in Africa.
    Foal – Foal is born after a gestation period of ten months to twelve months. Young Zebras remain with their mother until they are mature at around three years old.
  14. Lynx & Cub - Lynx is a member of the cat family. They have short stubby tails and the long tufts of black hair on the ear.
    Cub – Cub is born after a gestation period of 70 days. The young lynx cubs stay with the mother lynx for around nine months.
  15. Goat & Kid - Goats are among the earliest animals domesticated by humans. Goats have been used for their meat, hair, milk and skins.
    Kid – Kids most commonly arrive as twins. Sometimes just a single, but often triplets are born. Goat kids learn to stand within minutes of being born. At two weeks old, kids are fearlessly agile, running and leaping for fun.
  16. Kangaroo & Joey - Kangaroos are marsupial animals that are found in Australia as well as New Guinea. They have a deep pouch on their front in which they carry their young ones.
    Joey – They have the gestation period of around 33 days only. At birth young ones are only few centimetres long. It stays in the pouch of their mother for about 190 days from the birth.
  17. Monkey & Infant – Monkeys are arboreal mammals. Monkeys are intelligent, social animals. They are famous for climbing trees easily.
  18. Koala & Joey – Koalas are herbivore marsupials that live in the eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia. Koalas are often called the koala bears because it looks like a small bear or teddy bear. However, it is not a bear, it is quite a different type of animal.
    Joey – Joey is born after the gestation period of 32- 35 days. Joey upto 6-7 months lives in the mother pouch. Having permanently left the pouch, it rides on its mother's back for transportation, learning to climb by grasping branches.

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