Thursday 29 December 2016

Chart 107 – Transportation

Transportation Chart contains 23 images of different modes of transport
Transportation Chart

Spectrum Chart - 107 : Transportation

  1. Hand Cart – Hand Cart is used to transport goods to a short distance. It has two wheels & is pushed by a man.
  2. Bullock Cart – Bullock Cart is used to transport goods & people in small villages. The cart has a two wheels & is pulled by a pair of bullocks.
  3. Horse Cart – Widely used to transport people from one place to another before being replaced by automobiles. Horse cart are still used in village/rural area for transportation.
  4. Bicycle - A bicycle is a small, human powered land vehicle with a seat, two wheels, two pedals and a metal chain connected to cogs on the pedals and rear wheel. It is also used for exercise too.
  5. Motorcycle - A motorcycle is a two or three-wheeled motor vehicle. Motorcycle is normally driven by one person. A passenger can also ride on the back of the motorcycle. Some motorcycles have a sidecar that can carry another passenger.
  6. Auto Rickshaw - An auto rickshaw is a three-wheeler vehicle, it is a motorised development of the traditional pulled rickshaw or cycle rickshaw. Auto rickshaws are used in cities and towns for short distances.
  7. Motor Car - A motor car is a road vehicle used to carry passengers. Car usually have four wheels & can accomodate 4 – 10 passengers depending on the car size.
  8. Jeep – Jeep is a Sports Utility Vehicle. It is built to be a rugged vehicle that combines cargo and passenger carrying capacity. They are bigger than motor car.
  9. Tractor – Tractor is a farm vehicle. Tractor provides the power and traction to mechanise agricultural tasks, especially tillage. Generally they have smaller front wheel & larger rear wheels.
  10. Ambulance - An ambulance is a type of vehicle made to carry sick or injured people. Normally, ambulances go to people in emergencies to take people to hospital. They carry a lot of special equipment that can keep people alive.
  11. S. T. Bus – State Transport bus are used to transport passengers from one place to another. S.T Bus have are main means of public transport in rural areas of India.
  12. Tram - A tram is a passenger vehicle that is like a train which run on dedicated tracks on the road within cities. Trams first came into use in the 1890's.
  13. Truck - A truck is a vehicle used to transport goods. They can carry tonnes of load. Heavy trucks have three axles, one at front and two at rear, and the rear axles have coupled wheels to enable heavy loads.
  14. Oil Tanker – Oil Tanker is a motor vehicle designed to carry liquefied loads, dry bulk cargo or gases on roads. They specifically designed to carry liquefied & gaseous loads.
  15. Fire Engine - A fire engine is a vehicle that is designed to help in fighting fires by taking firefighters to the scene and giving them access to the fire, water or other equipment. The first modern fire engine was invented in 1905.
  16. Rocket - A rocket may be a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which is pushed by a rocket engine. Some rockets are manned & some unmanned to travel in outer space.
  17. Steam Locomotive - A steam locomotive is a steam powered railway locomotive. It was used a lot between about 1830 and 1970 later replace by diesel & electric locomotives. Steam locomotives are still today used in many developing countries where the railways have not yet been electrified.
  18. Electric Train - An electric train runs on electricity as the name suggests. Electric trains cost the least to buy and operate. However, the railway electrification system is very expensive.
  19. Cable Car - A cable car is a variety of transportation systems relying on cables to pull vehicles along. cable car vehicles are motor-less and engine-less and they are pulled by a cable that is rotated by a motor off-board.
  20. Country Craft – Country Craft has a hull, rigging and at least one mast to hold up the sails that use the wind to power the ship. They were the major means of transportation across the world in 15th to 19th century.
  21. Steamer – Steamer is a ship that uses a steam engine or steam turbine to move. Steamer were faster than Sailing Ships.
  22. Helicopter - A helicopter is a kind of flying machine or aircraft. A helicopter lifts up off of the ground and moves because of its rotors.
  23. Aeroplane - An aeroplane is a powered fixed-wing aircraft that is moved forward by thrust from a jet engine or propeller. The Wright brothers made the first successful air plane in 1903.

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